Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Not A Exciting Post

I really am not feeling well today. My side really hurts and I think I am working on a kidney stone. So I am just not in a chipper mood today. Dean is working very late to night so I am on my own on the bedtime thing. Come to think about it I always do the bedtime thing by myself. Only because Hannah won't let anybody else do it. Gracie will only let me feed her at night so I am on my own.

So my plan is to go home give baths get pajamas on including me,put a movie in and call it a night.

One more thing ladies. If you don't already get the Parents Magazine get it this month. Great articles about SIDS and tubes for the ears. I thought this was the best edition that has come out. It's packed full of great info.

Hope everybody has a good day!!!!!

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