Monday, August 04, 2008

Over The Hill And Other Stories!!

Well yesterday my darling husband Dean turned 40. The girls and I made sure we gave him a proper celebration.
I surprised him with 2 dozen crabs and corn. We sat out back on our patio and went to town. These crabs were so good. It was just lumps of crab meat. We ended the night with Rita's Italian Ice.

The girl's are doing awesome. I know I haven't written about them. There is so much to tell. I really need to start taking notes before I blog.

Hannah is excited about the 4 year old program and 3 days a week. She will be back with all her friends. I also signed her up for Sunday school. She will be with some of her friends from school as well.I am really looking forward to this because I need to start going to church every weekend.

I am realizing that the girls are at the age of real routine. I kick myself every Sunday because I am prolonging the routine.

Gracie is just pistol!!! She is talking nonstop in sentences. She asks why about everything. She has taken much interest in the potty. She has no interest in sleeping in a big girl bed with Hannah. So it's still the crib for right now.

Right before I had surgery we got them a huge pool. It was a practical buy. They have really gotten their money's worth from the pool. Dean would take them out there and they would swim for hours. Then they took great naps. So that gave Dean some down time.

I have to mention my awesome neighbors. We really have great one. This has made living in the community a nice experience. We all help each other. Our one neighbor has a little girl. C is always playing with Hannah when their home. Our other neighbors have 3 dogs and Hannah and Gracie are in love. When we all get together it's so fun. Last night we sat outside and talked from 12:00am to 3:am. I couldn't believe it. CA said next weekend it will involve alcohol. Sounds great to me.

CA and CH are just wonderful people. I love having them as neighbors. They even trust us to let their Minne doxin hang out at our house. Bailey their dog has Hannah's heart.

It was funny last night when we were eating crabs Bailey dog snuck through the fence twice to come play. So today I called CA and CH to see if Bailey dog could come over for a little bit. The girls had a ball. I saw another side of my husband. Just dogs are not in the picuture right now.

Oh ,I have to tell you about Gracie I forgot. Were in Old Navy the other night . Gracie walked up to this lady with a huge butt. Gracie patted her on the butt and said "big buuttt",in her little 2 year old voice. I was so embarrassed. I couldn't believe it.

Well this was a lot. I hope you enjoyed my boring and sometimes exciting life.

Hope you all are well. Remember to comment I love it.

1 comment:

nelly said...

OMG!! gracie is too funny!! so how are you? how are you feeling these days?
we are home now in baltimore if you want to get2gether sometime? my email is mr_mullan @