Saturday, February 24, 2007

Crazy People!!!

Due to a certain member in my family going crazy that I have a blog and needed to tell me that I am crazy. I have decided to make this invite only. So there!!!

I am sorry you all have to go through all this to read my blog. Please stay with me and be patient. I love you all and would be sad if you left me.

Life is going well. The girls are keeping me busy. I love work and everything else very very busy.

So what have you all been up to? Please tell!!!! Hug and kisses!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just Some Thoughts

I miss R*Belle. She made me laugh a lot.

I had fun the other day with Erin and Ben.
Hannah is very difficult to take to the store.

It's mighty cold out!!!! The wind is pretty wild.

I love the watch my husband bought for me for Valentine's Day. It really beats the moose munch bar I got him. I feel like an Ass.

I think I am addicted to simple pleasures by Tide. I wonder if they have a group for those kinds of addictions.

Gracie has such a sweet personality.

I wonder where KelliBelly is? She hasn't called me back.

I miss my parents their in California for business.

The girl's have to many toys!!

So does anybody else have some crazy thoughts? Please share!!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I Love It !!!!

So I started my new job, I love it!!!!! I work 3 twevle hour days and have 4 days off. How awesome is that?!! I get a discount and the people are great. It's a pharmacy chain you all have heard of. I started today, I just feel really good about it.

In other news Gracie has been diagnosed with Asthma. So I haven't left the house in two weeks. I have been doing everything when Dean gets home.

Hannah might have to have tubes in her ears. I am not worried about it, I have gotten some names for good doctors.

I am really looking forward to being home more. I have had a really good time being with Hannah and Gracie. They are doing such great things lately that I have been relieved to be home.

I start teaching again this weekend. I am very excited about that. I have so much to be thankful for.

Dean is doing really with everything. He won $1,000 at work. Something about great customer service. I am so proud of him,I love that man.

Remind me to tell you the Nun story about Gracie. It's really really funny.

Oh, I went to the Gyn and my endometriosis is back. I don't understand how because didn't I just have a baby. So Dean and I have a lot decsions to make. Oh, we have made them it's just difficult to explain.

I am hanging out with my inlaws this weekend. I think it will be fun. Maybe I will take pictures.Actually I am at my in-laws now and we are having pizza. Gotta go !!!