Well my foot is better but still hurts.Thank You everybody for the well wishes it made me happy.
Hannah and Gracie have been keeping me very busy. Gracie was acting really fussy she wanted to be held and rocked. I would give her tylenol or motrin and she was magically better. So I said it was teething thinking it was all the drool.
Well I was wrong! Hannah and Gracie woke up Tuesday morning with 105 fevers. I was beside myself the fevers were so high. I had a fever also and not feeling like me. They went to the pediatrician and it's just viral. So I have been alternating motrin and tylenol for both girls. That seems to take the edge off. I called and checked on them this afternoon and they seem to be getting better.
I have some exciting news well at least for me. I was asked to teach Religion to freshman at the church where I am joining. This has been something I have wanted to do for a long time. It's a great opportunity and I am very excited.
To all of you that understand how excited I am please keep me in your prayers that the Holy Spirit will guide me and my lessons will help these teenagers have a stronger faith.
Sorry you are all sick, I hope you all get better quickly. I wanted to thank you for you comment on my blog regarding my Husband. He is getting better each day, he and I were so encouraged by all the well wishes, Thanks!! ps, your girls are cuties!!
Congratulations on the teaching job! that's great.
Hope y'all feel better soon!
teenagers are a tough crowd. they will be asking tough questions. the good thing about this is that you will have to be open to giving tough answers. or admitting when there aren't any clear answers. I'll guess that your own faith will be challenged and strengthened as much as theirs. good luck!
Congrats and good luck with the teacing position! I'm with Nicole. That will be a very tough age to teach but I know you will do a great job and it will also help you grow in your faith. Obviously they have faith in you or they wouldn't have asked you to teach!
p.s. I hope you and your girls are feeling better now. High fever is very scary!
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