Saturday, July 08, 2006


I really try and listen to my heart about these things but I feel that my heart is torn between two places.

I grew up in a very traditional Catholic Church. My family and I went every Sunday to church no matter what. I was confirmed there and worked very hard in the youth group there. Even when I graduated from there I became an advisor. Then I was asked to sing in the contemporary choir. I was honored because you really had to have talent. My place was this church and that's where I went every Sunday. It's absolutely beautiful; everything about the church is traditional.

My husband and I were married there. When we had Hannah she was baptized there. My husband converted and did R.C.I.A. there.(converting to be Catholic). When we had MaryGrace she too was baptized there. We are really good friends with the priest there. In fact if MaryGrace was a boy he would have been Matthew named after Fr. Matt.We go to church there everyother Sunday. Only because it's 30 minutes away. That's really hard to leave on time with 2 small children . So we go to the Catholic church 10 minutes away. I really like this church also. See where I am going with this?

I want a church that is my home that I can call my home parish. This is very important to me. My husband usually works on Sundays so it's me and the girls. So last weekend I got myself and girls dressed to go to Mass. When got there right when church began. We had a great seat so Hannah could see. The girls were very good. Hannah knows the sign of the cross and is learning quickly the Lord's Prayer.At the end of Mass they had a reception for one of the new priests. So I was brave and took Hannah and Gracie. I met the President of the Church Council he gave me a packet to join. I really felt good there. The church is full of young mothers and fathers. It's just a young church.

I just also found out that my friend Chuck will be the pastor of this church. He and I have been friends for a long time. He has seen me through a lot of relationships and has been there for everything. He anointed me the day before I went in for major surgery in college. He has really helped me with my faith and building it.Also Hannah can go there to school next year.

So what do I do? Be a member a church that is close. Or stay where I have been going for 29 years.I need to decide now because my girls are small.

If anybody has any advice that would be great.Do not bash the church or say anything bad about priests. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all.

Thank you


Erin said...

Sounds like the church that is close to you is a good fit. And the fact that it's close means you will be able to get involved and get the girls involved. You can always go back to visit the church you grew up in. I'm kind of in the same situation... but sometimes a season for something has to end to make way for a new one. Change can be good. :)

Anonymous said...

You have to decide which one is better for your family. My husband and I have been struggling with the same thing, but we keep going back to the same one and that tells us that our hearts are there. Good luck with the decision... I would also suggest really doing some things with the church that is close before you join-- get involved, make sure you like all aspects and not just the service.

Katie said...

I'm Catholic too (and my husband isn't) and I can understand your dilemma. I think it might be nice to start fresh with the new church, especially if it is close and you know someone. I am having a hard time getting involved in the parish closest to our house. I usually go back to the church I grew up in for holidays.