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Gracie passed out from playing
Well I was doing the dishes I came into the family room and this is what I found. A sweet little Gracie fast asleep. Passed out from all her monkey screaming. So I changed her and put her in her crib. Night night Gracie I'll see you in the morning.
In other news this evening. Hannah got new shampoo and bubble bath. So she made sure she was extra messy so she could have a tubbie(bath). She was so excited that she didn't cry when I washed her hair. Thank You Suave Kids for making a toddler happy about the bath. She too is passed out from having a bubblie time in the tubbie.
I made a delicious meal tonight. I can't believe I cooked!!!!!! Torteleni in sausage garlic and onion tomato sauce and my famous salad. This salad is so famous that when I make it the salad is gone-no leftovers. It was a good dinner.Patting myself on the back.
Anyway that is it!! Good night
Amanda, my website being down took your banner graphic with it. I hope to have it back my Monday sometime... :\
You just made me feel a little better about my toddler's recent decision to freak out every time her hair is washed. I know it's silly, but I thought it was my fault or something.
What is so famous about this salad?
Recipe, por favor.
Oh, how I wish my 5-month-old Jacob would do what Gracie did. He is a chore and a half to put to sleep every night.
And yes...recipe? You can't brag on it and not share!
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