That is what Hannah likes to say now. Well she didn't get that from us. She got that from her cousin Olivia. They are 6 weeks apart. So this weekend has been you don't talk to us like that. I make Hannah say she is sorry. She really only says it when Olivia is around and she is very tired. We will be getting rid of that saying very quickly.I also cut her bangs before church this morning. I think I did a really good job. Maybe a picture if I can get her to sit still.
Little Gracie is starting to babble more followed by her screeching monkey noise. She gets really loud. We were in Sears today and the saleslady who was selling my husband a watch made a face. I wanted to smack her face for being so rude. It's obvious she does not have children. Dean and I think it's very funny. Gracie does it to be funny I guess. She is not unhappy it's the exact opposite. I have never seen such a happy baby.
Anyway Gracie went to bed smiling. Well you would if you just drank an 8oz. bottle. Hannah was very tired and having a major meltdown. That's why she has to have a nap everyday.
I bought the girls some new clothes. Children's place is having a huge sale. I got things for Gracie for $2.00. I also got some carter sun dresses for $5.00 each. I love a bargain.
Oh, Dean fixed my Peg Perego stroller yesterday, I am so excited. I actually used it at the mall today.
I also bought a lot of picture frames today and framed pictures from Gracie's baptism. Some are gifts for my dad for his birthday. More on my dad later.
Well anyway I am tired and I am going to bed.
Question for everybody!!!! Tell me your latest challenge from your toddler and how you are handling it. I would love to hear from you.
LAtest challenge temporarily blogged here until I get my domain back... it's a toughy. :
My 4-year-old has started saying "I not your friend any more mommy/daddy" when she does not get her way. Can you say spoiled? My 16-month-old is climbing everything. I just tell her NO firmly and then set her bottom back down in the chair/couch, etc. Sigh...
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