Me having fun!!! I also got to have adult conversation.
Being Reminded Everyday,What Love Is All About. My Sweet Hannah And MaryGrace. I hope you enjoy!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Just A Thought!
I have this complete crush on him. I have seen him in concert 5 times. I have all his music.
So this is my question. Is it wrong that I got jealous when he was kissing a women on the show last night. I got really upset. Just wondering. I have dreams of him and I singing on stage to the song "One Small Voice". I heart Mandy Patinkin.
That's all for now.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
What's Gracie Doing Now That She Is One?
Gracie says all the time "Da da da da da" sometimes it's "hi dada".
She waves hi
Loves fish sticks thanks to my awesome friend Donna who had us for dinner last week. Gracie loved them I think she swallowed them whole.
She pushes Hannah away to get to me.
Loves to climb on her cousin Tiernan she laughs so hard.
She loves Tang Juice.
Gracie plays very well by herself. She got a lot of new toys for Christmas and she is having so much fun.
Ask Gracie what a kitty cat says she will say her version of "meow". It's so funny.
Gracie will walk up to you and give you a hug. Oh and she waves too.
Thinks Hannah is the best.
Gosh I love that baby
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
The Post That Makes Me Sound Like A B*%^*
All I have to say is Gracie was dressed in pink and red. She had a pink pacifier and
pink blanket. So please explain it to me why people said she was a cute little boy. Does Gracie look like a boy to you? Cause last time I checked she resembles a girl.If you think differently than that's fine. Just don't get offended when I give a glare and walk away.
Thank You,
The Offended Mommy
at least 10 people came up to Gracie and said what a cute little boy I'm not happy.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It's Just Going To Be One Of Those Day's
I got ready for work did the usual hair,makeup,stressed. As I was coming down the stairs I slipped and fell down a flight of stairs. I am not kidding I really did. I am 29 years old I thought I was over the falling down the stairs. Dean yelled whoa!! and scared the crap out of Gracie.
So now I am in a lot of pain and can't wait to go home. If Ibuprofen doesn't work I'm hit'n the hard stuff.
Good Grief!!!!!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Christmas And Sweet Girls
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Whole Lotta Stuff Part 2
Both girls have ear infections in their left ear. It was very traumatic for both girls. Gracie screamed bloody murder as the doctor cleaned her ear out. Hannah started crying because Gracie was so upset. I smiled only because Hannah is so protective of her sister.
Then they irrigated Hannah's ear. She stopped crying after she realized it did not hurt.
Work is getting really busy because of the cold and flu season.
Hannah is just getting so independent. She can put her coat on by herself. She is also very helpful around the house.
Gracie is mastering climbing the stairs. She likes to climb the stairs when I am not looking. She shakes her head "no" when I find her.
Hannah ,Gracie and I got to have dinner with my mom last night. My dad was working really late. We had so much fun with her. She is such a good mom and Memom. We love her so much.
Do you know that this post has taken me 3 hours to write. I am so busy at work I am writing in between patients.
So I guess I should go.
I will post some pictures soon promise.
Thursday night Hannah Gracie and I are going to see the Nutcracker. My two nephews are in the play. This should be entertaining.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
It's A Full House
Come to our house we'll feed you and leave spoiled.
My friend Carrie's mother is in the Hostpital so her kids are with us. I love it!!!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Thankful Monday
Seeing Hannah and Gracie play together.
Hannah telling me "you so pretty mama".
Seeing my fathers face when I ordered sex on the beach mix drink Saturday night.Priceless
Sleeping in on Sunday!!
Gracie touching my face as she falls asleep in my arms.
To know that Gods plan is not always ours. I am okay with that.
For my bloggy and Maryland friends for being there for me this week.
Gracie seeing Dean and saying,"hi da da". I melt every time.
Curling up with Hannah in my bed and reading her a book.
What are you thankful for?
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Whole Lotta Stuff!
Thanksgiving was fun but uneventful. We have a mouse in the house.
I got some news the other day and I am working through it.Timing is everything!!
Work is busy;we got a new computer system-good times!!!!
Hannah is slowly potty training. I am very excited about that.
Gracie is really trying to walk!!! Watch out
That is my life right now!!! I'll be back soon.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thankful Monday
For my mother who didn't leave my side at the hostpital.
My pediatrician who really takes care of my girls.
Hannah being so good during Gracie's ordeal.
Hannah and Gracie for being so cute!!!!
Friends and family!!!!
Falling asleep on the couch last night.
Just being alive!!!
What are you Thankful for?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Gracie Girl!!!
Well Gracie is home and her fever broke last night around 10:00pm. The prelims of the bloodwork came back negative. We will know more in a couple days. So that is the good news. The bad news is the red flag is still up and it won't come down for a couple of more days.
Gracie just started to want to eat. I thought she was feeling better this morning when she saw her bottle and went crazy. She then sucked down 80z very quickly. As I write this she is sleeping soundly in her crib. She is in good spirits and is very clingy.
I however am just so blessed by God. My maternal instinct went off Tuesday night and new right away something is not right. This makes my faith sronger and my love for God stronger.
I want to Thank You all from the bottom of my heart. I have never felt so much support ever. You all amaze me and I will love you all forever. I really believe that we this bloggy circle are meant to know eachother. Thank You for the prayers and wanting to know more about my Gracie girl. She and I share a special bond and I love her so much. I told the pediatric nurse that anything happened to my girls you can count me out of anything.
You all are my friends and thank you for excepting me in your circle. I can't say Thank You enough. Please know that I hold you all in high regards.
As you all know Mary Grace is named after the Blessed Mother. So this is the prayer I said over and over again.I think she heard me.We say this in the Catholic Church.
Hail Mary Full Of Grace
The Lord Is With Thee
Blessed Art Thou Among Women
And Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb Jesus
Holy Mary Mother Of God Pray For Us Sinners
Now And At Thee Hour Of Our Death
Thanks Fr. Gerry for helping me.
Just so everybody knows, this was my prayer to get me through. I will never push religion on anyone. I didn't want anybody to be turned off by this post.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Mary Grace
I took MaryGrace to the Doctor yesterday because she has had a fever since Sunday 104.2. She would be okay when she was on motrin but as soon as that wore off. It went back up to 104. Debbie(doctor) wanted me to take her to the Hostpital for blood work. Because of insurance they wouldn't take a stat order. So I said fine and I walked out. I called the on call person and was advised to take her to the Er. The Er at this hostpital has ER just for peds.
So here I am waiting results. I am praying like crazy that everything will be okay. So I will keep you all posted.
Thank You everybody that knows so far for the hugs and support.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A Hannah Funny
My sister Michele owns a hair salon. I recently took Hannah to get her hair cut there. I called and told my sister. She thought that was funny.
Just wanted to share with everybody!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Thankful Mondays
Coming home to see a dozen roses from my husband sitting on the kitchen table.
Gracie falling asleep in my arms.
Gracie saying "hi" went I enter the room.
Hannah loving pizza!!! "mommy this pizza is really good I like it".
My new reading glasses!!!
Hannah not crying after her flu shot.
Having lunch with my husband and holding his hand across the table.
Meeting kellibelly she is so nice.
Having dinner with my family in Downtown Baltimore. My sister turned 40!!!
My glass of wine and the 2 drinks to follow. I was good all night.
Seeing my sister have a good time.
Having such a wonderful family. They know how to party!!!
I got a new perfume it's called "Pure White Linen" by Estee Lauder"
What are you thankful for?
Have great week!!!!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Sis!!!
Thanks for being a awesome Sister and the coolest Aunt to Hannah and Gracie. We love you so much!!
Hannah will call you tomorrow!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
So We Meet!!!
Dean and I took the girls for their flu shots. Then we went to Nordstrom Cafe for lunch it was yummy. Dean sent me a dozen red roses. It reminded me of the first days of dating. I just love that man of mine.
It was just a great day!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
News And Congrats!!!!!
Speaking of Anniversaries go over to Texasbelle and wish her and her husband a happy day.She wrote a awesome post about their wedding day. It's cool to have a bloggy friend with the same wedding date.
So most of you know Kelli Belly well she and I are meeting with the kids tomorrow. I am really nervous;what if I am not "cool enough". Just kidding!!! I really am looking forward to meeting Kelli. Our girls are the same age so I think it will be fun. I am going to take my camera so I can post some pictures.
In other news I am soooooooooooooooooo happpy about the election results.It felt good to vote.
So that's all I have to report. Have a great day!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Thankful Monday
My new Tim McGraw CD. I love his music. I could listen the song "Live Like You Were Dying" over and over again.
Watching Gracie splash in the tub. Laughing as the water fills the tub.
Hannah taking my hand to into the family room so we can cuddle. Then she falls asleep in my arms. I just love that feeling.
Hearing laughter in the other room from two little girls that love their Daddy.
The sale at Giant on baby food!!! Saving money!!!
My mom coming over to watch the girls today. She comes every Monday and brings the girls something. Just knowing that my mom is watching the girls makes me happy.
Seeing Gracie put her arms out for her Poppop.
November 8th celebrating the day I said "I do" to my husband.
Reading comments from my bloggy friends. It's like Christmas!!!!!
What are you Thankful for?
Saturday, November 04, 2006
299,999th Reason I Love My Husband
Thanks Babe I love you!!!!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Question and I Need To Vent About Parenthood
So I called Gracie's pediatrician,they seem to think something else is going on besides teething. So we agreed that she should be seen tomorrow.
I called Carters and told them about Gracie wearing the outfit. Customer service told me email a picture of her in the blue. They will send it to advertising. She wears enough Carters that I think they should see her in it.
I called home today to check on the girls. Hannah got on the phone and told me her eyes hurt. Then she said,"mommy come home and get me". I explained to her that I would be home soon. It so cool how she understands what I am saying. When I was walking out the door she said,"mommy kiss and hug one last time". I think she needs some one on one time with me. I really miss her when I am at work. She and I do so much together.
Last night she came and got in bed with us. I am sound asleep,she wakes me up and says,"Mommy,I trick or treat."
Usually Hannah is very stand offish with my father. She is like that with a lot of people. So we were all in the family room and she looks at my father and says,"I love you Terry." That put a big smile on my dads face.
One night last week we were saying the Lords Prayer. I finished with God Bless,Mommy,Daddy, Hannah and Mary Grace,Memom,Terry,Mommom and Poppop,amen. Hannah kept going. "God Bless Tiernan and Bailey and Brody. God Bless Aunt Shell(Michele)and Uncle Micheal.God Bless, Uncle Brian and Maddie,Lizzie,Olivia and Aunt Cath and Uncle Cake(Craig)". We let her finish and we were just speechless. Dean and I high-fived each other we were so proud.
I really try hard with the girls. I instill what I think is important. Hannah knows that family is important so is praying,and loving God. Being polite and thankful is also important. It's my job as a parent to make sure she follows through with these things.
I really believe that being a parent you need to be responsible. Know who your kids are playing with. I may work 35 hours a week but dammit parenting is hard work. Can I get an Amen? Dean and I make the rules and we set the boundaries.
Dean and I are really blessed. My parents and inlaws help with the girls. We work our schedules the best way we can. We make sure if we can help it, that nobody is with the girls longer then 4 hours.We try to make it that our days off are not the same. Somedays it's longer but we make up for it.
I want to look back on this blog when my kids get older. I want to say hey I did a great job. I want to remember how awesome my kids are.I also need to tell myself I am not a failure at anything.
Thanks I feel better now.
Hope everybody is well!!!
Trick Or Treat....... Smell My Feet!!!
Hey Moms out there isn't that a sign that teeth are coming in?
Happy Halloween!!! We did celebrate. Hannah was Cinderella, Gracie was Carters model. Well, only because I didn't have the energy to dress her up. So I put on a new outfit by Carters. She looks so "Pretty in Blue".
We went to my parents house to trick or treat. The kids get the good candy in my parents neighborhood. Hannah went up to every house and said, "trick or treat". She walked for a long time. Gracie sat in the stroller and drank her bottle.
My sister,who is 10 years older than me looked so cute as "Little Miss Muffett". My adorable nephews who I could just hug and kiss all the time looked amazing took good care of Hannah during the walk. My husband reported that my one nephew helped Hannah up and down the stairs.
Here in Baltimore it was warm so it made a good night to trick or treat.
So it was a fun evening. The girls were asleep within minutes of leaving my parents house.
So that was our Halloween in a nut shell. When I get my energy back I will post more.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A Day At The Farm

So this is my family!! I loved every minute of the weekend that we spent together. Hannah and I had fun together just girl time. We went on a hay ride and she loved it. She was so excited about everything that we did from the animals,looking at pumpkins and drinking cider. Hannah is full of love and she shows it everyday.
This weekend my heart is overfilled and I am so grateful to God for my beautiful family.
Hope you all had a good one too.
My Little Pumpkin

Happy 10 months my sweet pumpkin. You and Hannah had so much fun at the farm today. You were so good watching your sister do all the activities.
I found out today that you really like apple cider donuts. You were all smiles when you were eating it.
So what can you do that is new this month. I ask you to give me a hug you put your head on my shoulder. You give the best open mouth kisses ever very slobbery. You get frustrated with Hannah and push her away.You still think she is the best no matter what. When I walk in the room you say "hi". You are getting better with people food. Your favorite book right now is "Good Night Moon". You can use your sippy cup really well. You love tang watered down!
Gracie, you get sweeter and sweeter by the day. You smile all the time and laugh more and more. I love you so much Thank You for giving me such happiness.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Mary Grace After Her Baptism
Please Tell Me Why......
Here in Maryland tommorrow is supposed to be 75 degrees. This is a problem because people are getting sick from this weather. I am just sick of this weather.
Please tell me why I was so hungry at 12:00 and ate my lunch early.
File this under I'm just sayin!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Let's Pray...I Mean Play!!!
Hannah playing with Fisher Price Mid-Evil Little People Castle starts reciting the "Lord's Prayer".
I think that was a proud mommy moment!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thank You
Dean is doing much better. He still gets headaches and a little sore but not as bad as it was.
I am so grateful he is okay. I can't imagine my life without him. I have hugged and kissed him a lot more. I am actually planning a getaway weekend for just the two of us. We soooooooooooooo need it!!!!
Gracie had her 9 month well visit. Gracie is 21.5lbs she has 4 teeth coming in. The pediatrician said I am doing a great job with her. I told her that Gracie is waving,clapping and doing so big. Gracie is also doing the sign for more. Gracie did the sign for Debbie(pediatrician) she was very impressed. Debbie still advised that I keep giving her Zantac if she is in distress. I can tell a difference when she hasn't had it for a while. Mama don't sleep at all.
Gracie has a new boyfriend. Brandon the triage nurse. Well Brandon is just so awesome. Brandon held Gracie for a minute and she wouldn't come back to me. Brandon also is very informative about the girls . He know his stuff and knows when to say come in. I can call him about anything pertaining to the girls and he calls me back. I could have tons of questions on the phone and he will answer them all.
So Brandon if you are reading this we heart you here at Readheaded Mommy Land. You are truly a blessing in our lives. Thanks for taking good care of the girls and me too. Thanks also for the 3 cases of rock.
Monday, October 09, 2006
You Title The Post
Thursday morning I was getting ready to walk out the door for a doctors appointment with the girls. My phone rang it was my mother in law. She told me I need to listen carefully. She proceeded to tell me that Dean couldn't get a hold of me. I find out that Dean was taken to the hostpital. He was at work and a 60lb dehumidifier hit him on his head and neck. According to my husband he saw stars and fell to his knees.
When I got to the hostpital(a.k.a. worst hostpital in the world) they didn't know where he was. I finally got to him he was on a board and had a neck brace on. His response was " this is no big deal you didn't have to come". So the usual protocols were done. Eight hours later I took him home. I went and got his meds filled and got him lunch.
Hannah went to my inlaws and Gracie stayed with me. I know Dean needed rest and he wasn't going to get it with Hannah around. I love my Hannah but she doesn't stop talking unless she is sleeping. I knew Gracie would be easy to handle.
So Dean is in a lot of pain. He has been out of commission since Thursday. I am playing the role of both parents. I took off Friday to make sure he didn't go unconscious on me. Saturday I got up early took the girls to my inlaws I went to work.
After work I treated myself and went to Target and got a white chocolate mocha at Starbucks. I needed to get a few things for the girls. I went all by myself and didn't feel guilty.
I am really tired and overwhelmed. My life flashed before me and I couldn't help but think the worst could have happened. My husband has a strong build to him. The doctor says he's lucky he could have broken his neck.
I went to my parents church yesterday. I just needed my mom and dad. The girls were happy to see them. Gracie just wanted my dad and Hannah wanted my mom. So I got to take in Mass. For some reason I just started crying during the communion song. Now that I think about it that was the first chance I got to really reflect on the last few days.
I finished teaching Sunday night. The 6 week course went well. I had to take the girls with me because I didn't have anybody to watch them. I will write more about the 9th graders later. I will say they were so awesome to work with. They really impressed me with the discussions we had. I am going to miss them. I will be back next semester and I am excited.
So I hope you all are well. Have a good week!!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Happenings In Red Headed Mommy Land
She is eating much better these days.
Her brain is a little sponge. She amazes me everyday with something new.
She is excited about Halloween. She is going to be a fairy princess.
Hannah's favorite book right now is "Green Eggs and Ham". We read it every night!
She doesn't stop talking unless she is sleeping.
her smile lights up my day
she is the best cuddlier ever
Crawling everywhere
Saying "Mama" all the time
Crawling to Hannah and kisses her and then pulls her hair.
Clapping and waving
waking up at 5:00 in the morning to eat
she plays well by herself
smiles so cute shows her gums
teething big time
tasted icecream last night...Loved it!!!!!
wants her mommy all the time
looks adorable in overalls
work is getting busier
busy with teaching religion;going very well
asked to teach again next semester
ask to speak with my husband on why we chose marriage, at our church
trying to get my house in order
had the worst migraine ever Friday night
taking the girls a lot to the park
trying to exercise more then twice a week
loving my husband more everyday
really trying to watch my spending
loving my life
Zoloft now has a generic!!!!!
blessed to have bloggy friends
So this is what is going at our house. Hope everybody is well.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Swinging Gracie!!!
Couldn't you just kiss that face over and over? It doesn't matter that she woke me up at 4:00 in the morning with a dirty diaper. Then she wanted to play then she decided to show me that she knows how to clap. I thought that she was so nice to show me that so early in the morning.
Then later that evening she stopped army crawling and started crawling on her knees. Yeah Gracie!!!!!! I think she has teeth coming in. All these milestones in one week; my baby is getting bigger and older.
Doesn't time see to go so fast?
Monday, September 25, 2006
If Your Ever In A Jam....................Here I Am
I will always remember a good man. He always did the right thing no matter what. He set the tone for the family and paved the way for all. He was in love with my Grandmother and they were married for 60 years. He loved his Grandchildren and we loved him just as much.
He had a strong faith in God and adored the Blessed Mother. He was okay with his cancer. He told me once that every morning he got up and said "thy will be done". I was just amazed that anyone really had that response.
I feel him with me everyday. I talk to him when my faith is not so bright. I talk to him and the Blessed Mother when I need to be a better wife. When the girls are sick I feel him with me so I can get through the day. Some days I can smell his cologne and I look around. No one is there,so I think he is here watching over me.
The day I had Mary Grace I held her back in my room. She had this bright red hair with waves. I remember my grandfather with his receding hair line but with waves. Not to long ago I had a dream and I told him I missed him. He told me that he sent Mary Grace to me.
His picture is on my fridge from the Christmas before he died. I tell Hannah all about her Grand poppy and how wonderful he is.I think Hannah and Gracie would be spoiled if he was here today. Spoil both kids with love.
The title of this post is from a song that he used to sing to me.
If you ever in a jam, here I am
If your ever in a tree, call on me
If your ever in a mess, S.O.S
Friendship Friendship.
Dearest Mary Grace,
You are a bundle of energy these days. Daddy and I call you baby jungle gym because all you want to do is climb and stand. You hold on to things and walk. You pull yourself up onto everything. You really love your Johnny Jump up and you bounce all the time. You even bounce when your not in the Johnny Jump Up. It makes Daddy and I laugh really hard.
I tried some puffs made by Gerber. You love them you can't get them down fast enough. I also gave you some Sunny Delight. You woofed that down in minutes. You love rice and fried rice. All these things keep you busy while I get things done around the house.
I really like the way you play by yourself with your toys. You really get annoyed when Hannah takes something away from you.
Hannah loves you so much. She wakes you up in the morning even if your not ready. You always smile at her like your saying,"it's okay sister I am happy to see you".
Sometimes when I come to get you in the morning you are standing in your crib waiting for me. I am greeted with your big gummy smile.
Gracie, you suprised me the other day with your waving. You are just so cute I could kiss your cheeks all day.
Mary Grace Mommy loves you so much. Thank You for being such a good little baby.
Love Mommy.
Friday, September 22, 2006
What's Up!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love what Dr.Mcdreamy said to Meredith,I actually teared up.
Christine suprised me with her crying. I didn't know she could really cry.
The chief of surgery I am not very happy about. Not being honest in the very beginning to his wife and the ending. Shame on the Chief of surgery Shame!
I heart Dr. Bailey last night,I saw an some compassion I didn't know she had.
Well I just wanted everybody to know my opinion.
What's yours?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Thanks I'll Be Here All Night!!!
Hannah: Knock knock
Me: who's there
Hannah: Boo who
Me: Boo who
Hannah: Don't have to cry bout it
Hannah laughs real hard because she is silly.
She has talent doesn't she?
Friday, September 15, 2006
Dearest Hannah,
You really have adjusted well with Gracie coming into our family. You really love her and you are always asking where's Gracie. You are such a little mother to her. When she is crying you put your arm around her and say"Gracie it's okay I'm here and so is Mommy".Or you ask me "what's wrong with Gracie?" You always want to help me with her. You are such a good sister.When Gracie gets older she will read this letter and know how much you love her.
Hannah your my comedian!! You love to tell knock knock jokes. Your punchlines make daddy and I laugh so hard. Daddy and I love watching you. You dance and sing and like to be so silly. You love to wear you red dress and dance and sing "Sally wears her red dress".
You are a very polite little person. You always are saying "please" and "no,thank you". When someone sneezes you say,"bless you".When I say "thank you" say "your welcome". You have been doing this for the last 5 months. Somehow I forgot to put this in your letter.
The other night I had to take you to Patient First. You were holding your head and your ear crying really hard. I knew right away that you had an ear infection. The doctor checked your ears and sure enough you had a ear infection. I didn't know that you had the starting on pneumonia. The doctor put you on some medicine think you are feeling better.
I wish you would eat more. You hardly eat anything during the day. You pick at everything that is on your plate.
I really miss you during the day. I can't wait to come home and hold you. You and Gracie already fight over my lap. Since you have been really sick you like to sleep with me and daddy. So I am really tired tonight so do you think you could sleep in your bed tonight,please.
One of your phrases that you say all the time now is"I told you I not sayin no." Your one phrase that completes all the things I say over and over again.
You are half way to three and all of a sudden I feel old. You are growing like crazy sometimes I can't keep up.
The next couple of months let's work on the potty training and no binkies except for bedtime. I know you can do it because everyday you show how amazing you are.
Keep up the good work Hannah B. Mommy loves you so much,I would be lost without you.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I Love Clifford The Big Red Dog!!!!
Then on our way back to the car we stopped at PetSmart. Hannah got to see the cats. She even got to pet a dog that was adorable.Then we saw the snakes. I kept telling Hannah that snakes are icky. She said to me"Clifford no like nakes. She was so happy yesterday and that was my goal.
So I didn't feel so bad when I left her to go teach at 4:30.
So do I get good mommy points? Just checking.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
It's Hard Work Being A Good Mom
So now everytime she says that to me I say "Hannah do not what me, you say to mommy Yes Mam". I said this to her over and over again. I know how Hannah learns she needs consistency. I know it will pay off in the end, she is a smart little girl.
So last night my hard work payed off. We were walking through the grocery store and I asked her to come. She ran up to me and said "yes mam". I said to Hannah," thank you for being polite that is what Mommy wants to here". I gave her a big hug in the store and she told me," I love you mommy, you happy with me"? I smiled and nodded at her and said "yes I am".
The thing is if she never said that to me I would always be happy with her. She makes my bad days turn into good days. I really never thought anybody could ever love me as much as she does. I never thought I could ever have so much love for Hannah and Gracie as much as I do.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
What's Going On?
Hannah and Gracie have been keeping me very busy. Gracie was acting really fussy she wanted to be held and rocked. I would give her tylenol or motrin and she was magically better. So I said it was teething thinking it was all the drool.
Well I was wrong! Hannah and Gracie woke up Tuesday morning with 105 fevers. I was beside myself the fevers were so high. I had a fever also and not feeling like me. They went to the pediatrician and it's just viral. So I have been alternating motrin and tylenol for both girls. That seems to take the edge off. I called and checked on them this afternoon and they seem to be getting better.
I have some exciting news well at least for me. I was asked to teach Religion to freshman at the church where I am joining. This has been something I have wanted to do for a long time. It's a great opportunity and I am very excited.
To all of you that understand how excited I am please keep me in your prayers that the Holy Spirit will guide me and my lessons will help these teenagers have a stronger faith.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Best Friends
I never knew that they would be best friends at this age. They do everything together!!! Hannah and Gracie just want to be next to each other all the time. Also Gracie can pull herself up now and hold on for a long time.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
She Has Dicovered The Steps
Gracie insisted that I take a picture of her on the step. So cute !!! So cute!!!!!
Oh, I have a question has anybody tried Target's diapers? I am afraid to buy them, I hate leaks.
If not what diapers do you like best? I am taking a survey. So please tell me.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Along Came A Spider
So I am miserable and can only work 4 hour days because I am on my feet all day. So I will be home this afternoon resting. Hannah and Gracie are very happy about this.
I have a lot to write about but I am in to much pain to even make sense.
So I will check in soon and give you tons of stories.
Everybody have a good day!!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Guess What I Did Friday Night?
I forgot to mention that Gracie went crazy over the fried rice. She screamed at me when I stopped feeding her. Who knew that would be a hit!!!!!
Please send good thoughts to my Aunt Barb she is getting ready to start chemo on Monday. She is very optimistic and I think she will do fine. It's just my nature to worry about people.
I have to have a root canal. Yippe!!!! I am on Amoxacillin and Percocet until then.
Well everybody have a good Saturday night!!!! I want reports on your super weekend fun.
Personality Type...
You Are An ISFJ |
The Nurturer You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal. A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways. In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music. You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for. You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist. |
I think that is pretty close.
Did anyone else notice that I am the exact opposite of my husband?! hmmmm.
It's The Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bought the DVD by Baby Einstein "Baby's Favorite Places" for Gracie. So last night after dinner I took the kids down the basement to play. Hannah was so excited to watch the video. Gracie payed no attention to it but Hannah loved it. The video includes sign langauge in to the DVD. Hannah did a great job with the signing.
So today is "National Dog Day"!!!!!! I am not a dog owner but one day I would like to be. So to all of the dogs out there and their owners. I Salute You!!! Have a great doggie day!!!
So today's question is Who has a dog and what is their name?
So that's it for now check back later for my Grateful list.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Feeling Blessed
So this is what usually goes on in my house.
I wake up every morning with one of the girls in my bed. My husband and I smile at each other which means this is the best.My husband makes me coffee and gets me whatever I need for the day. I kiss my husband and the girls and say I will be back soon. I leave happy because I know they are usually with my husband. I call in the middle of the day to see what drama is going on. Hannah gets on the phone and says, "I la u mommay". I say something sweet to Gracie and I get some kind of jabber. My husband will call and give me updates on the house. Worried I might be upset if it's a mess. We end every telephone conversation with "I love you". I hang the phone up and thank the Lord for sending me a wonderful man.
When I come home I am greeted at the front steps by my husband and two little girls happy to see me. The girls sit on the couch with me as I give them hugs and kisses and talk about the day. We talk about dinner and what swingset we are going to visit.
At night I read books usually to the girls or Hannah has picked a movie.I feed Gracie her bottle as Hannah has her head propped up against my arm. They have both fallen asleep and I carry each one up to their bed or crib. I layout their clothes for the next day and try and find something for me to wear.I make bottles for Gracie in the sequence that I do everynight.
I go to bed exhausted and my husband rubs my head some nights. I say my prayers and am truly blessed for my life.
I didn't get to this place in my life by accident series of events had to happen. I am reminded how awesome God is and his plan for us. I fall asleep feeling blessed.
This really happens I am trying to make it interesting. I love my husband and my kids that most of the time I am happy sometimes I can be irritated with my husband. I try to make the best of it. This post might not stay up cause I don't want to sound corny.
Dearest MaryGrace,
You love to roll and roll. You roll to get to what you see and want to play with.You get into everything and make a mess.It seems you learned to do that from your sister. Speaking of Hannah you love her so much. She is very protective of you and loves you very much. One day last week you both were on your tummies playing together with a toy. You rolled over and kissed her on the cheek. I thought it was so cute because it is usually Hannah giving you kisses also love it when Hannah wakes you up in the morning. I can here you giggle in the morning and I know that Hannah is in the room with you.
You are happy and smile all the time,I call it the gummy smile. You do not like it when we take something away from you that you are not suppose to have. You scream with anger when Hannah teases you and takes a toy away. You love to play peek-aboo with Hannah and I. You start laughing really hard and want more and more.
When I come home at night ,if I don't pick you up right away you cry really hard. You just want mommy time because you missed me. I love when you suck on my cheeks and start laughing really hard and they you do your adorable monkey squeals. To everybody else that doesn't know you, they think you are upset. I know how happy you are.
When you see your ba bot (bottle) you go crazy like you haven't eaten in a year. I love when you fall asleep in my arms after a good feeding. You love you baby banana yogurt. I get all kinds of sounds when I feed you that know you are done eating because you start your raspberries.
You are such a sweet baby. You just love your Daddy. You smile when he walks in the room. You give him a smile then say "AH" like you are saying Hi. I think you are turning into a daddies girl. You have your moments when you just want me.
Your red hair is really coming in fast. Your bald spot is not there anymore,yeah!! You have so much fun in your Johnny jump up and you will jump for at least 30 minutes then we say to you ,"go Gracie go Gracie go go go". You take off jumping and laughing non stop.
You and Hannah have made my life so wonderful. I love everyday that I get to hold you and look forward to the days to come. I am so glad that you are my little girl. I love you MaryGrace.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Busy Busy..................I guess?
When we picked up the girls at my parents house they seemed happy to see us. I know my parents spoiled them rotten all 8 hours . Then we took Hannah and got "frocolate icefeam".I covered both girls with kisses the whole way home.
So that in a nutshell was the highlight of my weekend!!!!!
Oh, I cracked a tooth so now I think I am going to have a root canal. The pain is incredible. I have been going to the same dentist since I was a young kid. He tells me jokes while he cleans my teeth. Please try not to laugh,thanks.
I will have more tomorrow!!!It's a special day in my house.
Sorry this is boring it will get better tomorrow.
P.S. Please tell me something about your weekend that was exciting!!! please please!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
What's It All About?..................Love
When I first had Hannah I remember crying in my room at the hostpital because nobody from lactation showed up to help me. When I first came home with Hannah the first night was the worst. I had a high fever a earache and recovering from a c-section. I just remember thinking this is not it's suppose to be like this,this is pure hell. The next morning my husband had to go to a class for 2 hours. I was so scared to be by myself that I sat in my big chair and didn't move until he got home. I remember my friend calling me who is my pediatrician and me telling her I can't be this baby's mom. Debbie told me that is why she is here to help me through.
I dreaded evenings with the baby because that is when my anxiety showed the most. I had to go to the doctor the first week and I was pacing the room until she came in. I cried anytime anybody asked me how I was doing. I loved this little Hannah and I knew that I could do this.
When I had MaryGrace I didn't know that I could love somebody else as much as I loved Hannah. I was wrong, my love has tripled with Hannah and I am in love with my Gracie. I kept thinking how am I going to take care of 2 babies under the age of 2. It was my love that got me through the hard times.
When Gracie was in the hostpital at 3 weeks I didn't know what was going to happen to her. All I knew is that this was serious and I brought her in at the right time. When the pediatrician came in to ask me how I was holding up. I said to him" how do mothers do this watch their child be so sick". He didn't have an answer neither did I. I know now it's love, the love that you have for your children that grows stronger and stronger everyday that gets you through the hard days.
It's amazing what children do to your spirit. I have become a better person because of my children. Just in the way I do things in general and feel about life. Always being reminded of them and the person I need to be.I can get really goofy with them and they just laugh at me, and Hannah says,"again mommy".
I am reminded of their love for me when I come home from work it's their smile that greets me at the door. When Hannah says over and over again "I la u mommay" I can't help but pick her up at just hug her. When Gracie opens her mouth to suck on my face and laughs while she does it you can't help but be in love.
Sometimes during the day when I am at home I stand and watch the Girls. I think to myself how did I get to this place in my life ? What did I do to deserve this wonderful life?
Then I realize I fell in love with my husband then we were blessed with 2 beautiful girls. The 2 of us fell in love with them and that's what it is all about.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Who's Been Watching You?
So my adorable husband called to remind that I left it at home. So being the awesome husband that he is he brought me my lunch at lunchtime. I really picked a great guy he's the best.
So now I am laughing because,I opened the back door to kiss Hannah and she has syrup on her face from breakfast this morning. I look at Gracie and she still has sleepy's in her eyes. The funny part besides the obvious is that they were on their way to my il's.Of course I will get blamed for that somehow.
So if you ever see my adorable kids out in public and they are a mess blame my husband. I would never let them look like that. I am not picking on my husband I just laugh about the differences between women and men parenting.
Does anybody else have this issue the way your husbands take care of the kids verses you?
So that is the highlight of my day! What was yours?
Monday, August 14, 2006
I'm Grateful For ...................................
2. the smell of fresh coffee!!
3. naptime with Hannah.
4. Gracie rolling all over the place and getting into everything.
5. Saturday night dinner with my il's meatloaf and mash potatos.
6. chocolate covered cherry snowball's.
7. my mom coming to watch the girl's and bringing me milk.
8. Gracie's laugh when I do something funny.
9. Dean making vanilla cinnamon pancakes for dinner.
10.Erin asnswering the phone last night because I needed to talk to a good friend.
11.Erin and Ben be such an important part of our live's.
12. having 2 beautiful girls that amaze me everyday.
13. having faith in God that he alway's provides without him I would never be me.
14. my awesome husband who is loving and praises me for my role as a mother and wife.
What are you thankful for? I want to know.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Long Time No Blog!!!!
The girls are keeping me very busy. Gracie is 7 months old and into everything. Hannah just talks my ear off. She sings all the time and she pretends that she is on stage.
So what is Gracie doing these days? Dare I say a lot!!!
Rolling around and scooting to get to places.
Babbling like crazy " ma ma ma"
screams when she sees her bottle in my hand totally loses her patience. When I squeeze the air out she goes nuts. When I put the bottle to her mouth it's pure joy.
so happy to see me when I get home if I walk past her and I don't pick her up she cries. My hands are full I am not neglecting her.
Bedtime or naptime she now likes me to sing to her and rock her.
She is such a cuddly baby.
Loves her sister Hannah, like I said wants to be right next to her.
Johnny Jump up is her favorite activity besides eating and her mommy holding her.
Anyway this is just random and I don't want to forget.
There is a lot going on in my life. Unexpected medical things have popped up. There are going to be a lot of changes here in Mommy land I have that feeling.
Sorry that I haven't commented much on anyone's blog. I just have a lot on my brain. Just a little overwhelmed. I have read all your blogs though. Can't forget that!!!
Everybody have a great week, I will check in soon.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
A Visit With The Cousins
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I thought that I should get a picture of Stacy holding Hannah and Kate holding Gracie. That's what my girls are going to look like when they get older. The only thing I have to say is I am in trouble. Kate and Stacy are beautiful. They are also the sweetest girls too.
So my mom and I took Hannah and Gracie to see my Aunt Barb. We took them lunch and had a real good time.
Barb is doing well and has the best attitude I have ever seen. We all had a good time together.
So in other news!!!
Yesterday was Dean's birthday. He turned 38!!! He is much older than me. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner. He said,"pizza" so that's what we had. So we ate pizza and watched the Lion King with Hannah. Gracie was rolling all over the place.
That's all here in Mommy Land. Hope you are all well!!!!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Who Ate The Doughnuts?
We were leaving church 2 Sunday's ago and we are in my car.
Hannah: Mommy I want a doughnut (remembering last week it was doughnut Sunday)
Me: It's not doughnut week Hannah the doughnuts are all gone.
Hannah: I hungry momay(being silly)
Me: Well were going to Panera and you can get a grilled cheese.
Hannah: where all da doughnuts go?
Me: Everybody ate them last week
Hannah: why?
Me: well they were hungry?
Hannah: why?
Me:(getting frustrated that this conversation is going nowhere)Hannah Fr. Chuck ate the doughnuts he ate them all, okay!!
With that Hannah stored this conversation in her little brain. So this past Sunday we are walking out of church and Fr. Chuck is standing there and we said hi. He said he wouldn't be coming for dinner next weekend because something came up. So we both said we will come up with a different date.
So Hannah hearing this conversation, we are walking out and she says, "Fr. Chuck ate all the doughnuts".
Yes, Hannah he did.
Gosh she remembers everything!!!!!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Updates And Random Thoughts
My nephew went in to have the procedure and they didn't have to do anything. They sent him home and didn't have to stay at the hostpital. I call that good medicine and the power of prayer.
My Aunt Barb not so great news. My beautiful cousin Kate called me with everything after the surgery. She was in recovery at that point. Kate said they found cancer in one of her lymphnodes. So she will have to do chemo. I am so sad about that. Kate seemed optimistic and so do the doctors. I talked to Barb yesterday and her spirits seemed very good. I just wanted to reach through the phone and hug her. So I think I am going to take the girls to see her on Thursday.
In other news
I had a great weekend off with the girls. Dean worked all weekend so we didn't get to see him much.
Sunday morning I did it we got to church on time and got a good seat. Then we went to the Grocery store. I was just there Friday,oh well. Breyers Ice cream came out with Strawberry Cheesecake Icecream. Lately I have been very good about what I eat. I couldn't resist this one. Go out and by some, damm it's good.
Hannah got in bed with me this morning. Okay, that is my favorite thing. She has her blankies and her binki and climbs in bed and sleeps for another 2 hours.
So my mother came to watch the girls this morning. She took Hannah home with her for a couple of days. Hannah loves her Memom and Terry,they have so much fun together. My mom was really excited to have her over. I already miss her a lot.
So Gracie will have my undvided attention for a while. Dean and I are going to watch a movie tonight. I am making a healthy salad so we can eat icecream. I know that doesn't sound right but I make the rules in this house.
So that is it here in Mommyland.
Hope everybody is well!!! Take care
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Things That Me Make Happy
1. being around nice people.
2. coming home to happy children and a happy husband.
3. when Hannah gets excited about doing something.
4. seeing my dad play with the girls on the floor after he has been at work all day.
5. seeing Gracie smile at (memom) my mother and Hannah being excited that Memom is here.
6. being able to sleep in.
7. my kitchen being clean.
8. when Hannah and Gracie laugh together.
9. ice cream
10. a cold glass of Tang
11. reading in bed
12. watching TV in bed with lots of pillows.
13. taking a nap in general *bonus Hannah next to me
14. Hannah putting lotion on my back
15. Hannah brushing my hair
16. when I can't sleep Dean rubs my head(guaranteed to fall asleep)
17. having lunch with my awesome dad
18. taking a nap with the windows open on a nice breezy day.
19. singing "Let There Be Peace On Earth" at church.
20. holding hands when saying "The Lord's Prayer"
21. greek salad from Panera
22. cuddling with my husband and watching a movie.
23. when the girls fall asleep on my chest.
24. when I walk in the door from work and Gracie makes a sound to get my attention.
25. Hannah telling me she misses me.
26. Being around Erin and Ben.
27. Getting comments on my blog.
28. thunder storms love them
29. being with my mom and dad
30. singing to my girls when they are fussy.
31. having bloggy friends.
32. shopping with my best friend Beth. I always feel refreshed. The girls call her MIMI. She rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Near And Dear To My Heart
I was her flowergirls in her wedding to my uncle many many years ago. Her husband my uncle is my godfather. Her girls look like my girls. I am so excited because they will grow up to be gorgeous.
Her name is Barb she is beautiful and her husband says she's got great legs.
When I found out I was pregnant with Hannah she offered so much support. Me being pregnant was the right time but it's not our timing it's God's timing right? right! She had me call her every week to give her progress. If I didn't call she called me. Let's just say I never let her have to call. Barb co-hosted my baby shower with my sister. It was such a nice shower too. She was at the hostpital after I had Hannah. She brought me the cutest little Carter's outfit. In fact Gracie wears it all the time. I remember being so excited that I pumped all this breast milk I showed her. I think she was thinking to much info. Then I really had a bad pregnancy with Gracie. I was in the hostpital a lot. She called me at the hostpital to see how I was holding up. When I got home I could call her about anything. She always made me feel better.
She is very loving to my girls and always interested in what they are doing. With our schedules we talk about twice a month. Our conversations always end with I love you. She is just a good person. I declare her as my favorite aunt. She knows it too.
So why am I sharing her with you? I realize everyday how much family is important. How we all need each other. We all make mistakes and we all need family to be there to say it's okay I love you and we are here.
You see, my Aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. Though it is in the first stages I am very worried for her.Well, just because I worry about everything. Her spirits are high and she is ready to tackle this the best way she can. Barb is the kind of person that does not complain about little things. She has a positive outlook on everything and I admire her for that.
So tomorrow at 11:30 she will have a mastectomy. So my friends in the bloggy world I ask for special thoughts and prayers for her. She is young and a good person. Our family needs her. At least I need her. I even donated my boobs to her but she declined. So please tomorrow do what you can to send warm thoughts to her. Thank You everybody I know you will help.
I send my prayers for you and can't wait to see you. It will all be over soon and we will be on the deck drinking margaritas.
I love you Aunt Barb call me if I can do anything for you or the girls.
What A Productive Evening In Redheaded Mommy Land
So I was ready to give Hannah a tubbie. Then I got a great idea. I decided to vacuum the whole upstairs. That was fun because I love my Dyson. Then I used my 2 favorite cleaning supplies to clean my bathroom. Mr.Bubbles Bathroom cleaner(really can't remember the name) and soft scrub with bleach scrubbed with a Mr.Clean magic Eraser Sponge. It was spotless when I was done. Except Hannah never got her bath because I didn't want her to sit in the tub when I just used bleach.
Then I went down and fed Gracie. She really likes sweetpeas and carrots followed with oatmeal and apricots. I got everybody ready for bed and I relaxed.
Oh, everybody say a prayer for my adorable 4 year old nephew . He is having a surgical procedure today on his leg. Please pray that this growth will shrink. This is his second procedure. For such a young kid this is a lot for him to go through.Prayers for my sister she is such a trooper through all of this.
We will be there this weekend with lots of hugs and kisses. I love you Bopps.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I will never forget the first time you met MaryGrace you said,"hi bease". You fell in love with her right away. Daddy and I immediately knew you were going to be a great big sister. I love when I come through the door and you run to me and hug and say,"mommeeeeee". Like last night you said," I missed you mommy". Or when you and Daddy come outside and you wait for me to pull up and you yell to Gracie Mommy home Racie ,Mommy home. You and Gracie make me smile all the time. It's funny how you tell Gracie "enough" when she is crying because she is hungry. You always find a way to make Gracie laugh. Gracie adores you and loves you so much. She follows with her eyes everywhere you go. If you spend the night somewhere at Memoms or Mommoms she misses you. She is so happy when you are around.
I like when you are watching a movie and you imitate what they are doing. Like the other night you were watching WeeSing Granpa's Magical Toys and they were jump roping. You stopped and looked at me and said,"I get mine". You got your jump rope and you were really proud of yourself because you thought you were jumping rope.I love when you come up to me when I am sitting on the floor and you put your arm around me and say," I la u Mommy". It's absolutely the best feeling when you tell me that. When you have to hold your "bankie" and your "bebe"(pacifier)when you are really tired. When you can't find any of those and you say, "Mommy get it" because you are to tired to go upstairs. When you ask for a bottle with "frocolate " milk but your to old but I give to you anyway because I don't want you to grow up.
The other night I was laughing really hard and you said,"mommy you so silly". In the mornings when I get ready you follow me around. I will do your hair and when I am done that you go to my dresser and want perfume. You say thank you for everything when somebody does something nice for you. You say,"no bank you" when you decline from a offer of something.
You always help me with the laundry" you say helpin me". You love to put the clothes in the dryer. When we go to the grocery store at checkout I give you things to put on the belt. You just love to be a big girl. When I feed Gracie her food, you want to help and you really do a good job.
You love frocolate milk,chicken fingers, fries, peanut butter and jelly, turkey, broccoli, "ice feam", grilled cheese and regular cheese.
You call birthday cake and cupcakes"pancakes".
You love all your cousins and you treat them with such kindess. You love seeing "Ben Ben" and always want to play with him. You love your cousin Olivia you call her "eeeah".
Hannah, your just like Terry you remember everything. Peoples names where you saw them. If I get you a Icy at BJ's the next time your there you ask for one.
You get concerned when somebody is sick. When Granpa Terry had surgery, everyday after that you would say Terry Booboo, if anyone mentioned his name. When Great Nan was in the hostpital, one day in the backseat of the car you said to Memom ,"Nan okay"?
When we go somewhere people stop and say how pretty you are. You are such a loving little girl. Any chance you get you say to me," mommy hold you". Glady I reply becuase your my girl. When asked who's your best friend you say,"Mommy".
I love when we take naps together because we sleep a long time.
When you get irritated with daddy you tell him,"stoppin it". Your strong willed and want things a certain way. You have daddies personality which is laid back and easy to be with.You have the best smile.
Hannah, you were my first baby. Wow what an adjustment it was but Daddy and I figured it out. For the first year you were daddies girl now at 2 you just want Mommy.
Your nickname is "B" . I call you that all the time. You respond to it very nicely.
Hannah you have made my life so awesome. I can't imagine my life without you. Everyday I am blessed to have you and Gracie.I love everything about you. Don't ever change because you are great.
I love you Hannah your my sweetums.
P.S. I love that you sing when your in the back seat you ask for "songs"
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Get Me To The Church On Time............Please
The morning started great it really did. We got up at 9:00am I fed the girls and got them dressed for church. They looked beautiful!!! I got myself together in a timely fashion. I was ready on time and was determined to get to church on time.
I packed a bottle for Gracie as I went to retrieve the diaper bag. Oh my gosh ants ants everywhere. I freaked my freak people. I was loosing it I mean saying every bad word there is.
I was cleaning ants out of my diaper bag of the floor. They were making me late for church. Well the swifter really kills those little freaks(insert bad word).
Well I got to church not on time but I got there. I couldn't had done it without the world's best babysitter Nicky. She is great she helped with the kids during church. Did I mention that my husband was at work. That's why she comes with me. Two small children is a hard thing in church. We did it we are a gret team.
In other news this weekend at The Redheaded Mommy household. It was very uneventful.
The party for my father was very fun. Hannah swam for hours and Gracie loved the warm water. Hannah swam for 3 hours. Our heads hit the pillows at bedtime.
Hope everybody had a great weekend.
Enjoy the picture of Hannah and Gracie. Gracie turned 7 months today. I feel like I just had her.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Gracie, One Happy Baby!!!!!!!
I was trying to get ready to go out to lunch with a friend and I couldn't resist.
I'm Gonna Splash Terry!!!! Happy Birthday Dad
My father is an amazing person. He loves his children and would do anything for his grandchildren. He is well respected by the people in the community. He has been described by the newspaper"by the book no nonsense guy". He jokes and says," I don't own a book or have any sense". If you met him you know automactically that's not true.He is a very reserved person and that is easily mistaken as somebody that is not nice.
My father and my mother have been married for 33 years. You never have to question his love for my mom because it is so obvious. When he is not working he is with my mother. Recently my dad had surgery, when my mom entered his room she said,"how do you feel?". My father responded," better now that you are here." My parents are always together and he wouldn't have it any other way. My father has set the tone for the family on how a marriage should be. I am not allowed to say anything about Dean that is mean. His response is you two are married find a way to work it out. Or I will hear from him, "Amanda I don't want to hear it". He takes pride in his grandchildren and has millions of pictures in his office of them. He smiles when he has one of them is his arms, as he moves through the halls of his office.
When I had Hannah the first Granddaughter he was at the hostpital 3 times a day. In between meetings he would run in and just want to hold her. He sat with me when I cried about how overwhelming this mother gig is. He helped Dean pack me up to go home from the hospital. After my c-section with Hannah I hemorrhaged my mom called him and he was at the hospital in minutes. The look on his face when I came to was enough to know that he was very worried.
What makes my father so wonderful are the little things. As he holds the girls and they smile sweetly at him. Hannah spending the night there and him getting out the chocolate cake and all three of them sat around and ate it. Hannah being so tired she curls up on his lap and falls asleep. The morning I had Gracie he stayed home with Hannah so my mom and Dean could be in the Operating Room with me. When Gracie was so sick that we didn't know what was happening he assured me of God's presence and it would be okay. The interest he had when asking the doctor's what's really going to happen, because I was to afraid to ask.
There is so much about my father I wish I could tell you. He just is an amazing person.When I grow up I want to be just like him.
Happy Birthday Dad!!! You look great for turning 64. I hope for more memories and lots of great years to come. Thank You also for being such a wonderful father and grandfather, I love you.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Well The Hits Just Keep On Coming!!!!!
So last night I wanted to scream and cry from pain. No sympathy from my husband he said "did you take your pain medicine?" Of course,like I want to sit around in pain.So Gracie and I made our way to my bedroom and laid down. She sleeps really well next to me and for a long time. I took 2 percocet and couldn't sleep. As I finally dozed off my my husband came in the room from picking up Hannah. Well my fun was over I had to go down and put dinner on a plate. Thinking Hannah is down for the night. Twenty minutes later I hear mommy, mommy, where are you? The rest of the night went smoothly she fell asleep finally 2 hours later.
My point to this post is that I have plans tonight. Like going to pick up Gracie so Hannah can spend the night with her cousins. I was going to pick up Gracie and go home and take a nap. No, I can't now we have ants and I have to clean the floor. I mean Mr.Clean and swifer and vacuum the floor. I hired a babysitter for Gracie so she can be entertained bribed with makeup and food. It gets them all the time.
Tommorrow who knows what I am doing. Mainly play with the girls,Hannah has been asking for Ben. So maybe we will get to see him and Erin.
In other news, Gracie is rolling like crazy and moving herself around. We have put up the gate. I tripped over it this morning getting ready for work.
So if you need me I will be knee deep S@#$. If you don't hear from me in a couple of days call for help.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
By Popular Demand ...... My Salad
One bag of spinach mix greens
blue cheese crumbles
sun dried tomatoes
bacon bits
roasted red peppers(optional)
pine nuts
garlic croutons
Mix it all together- Use your own salad dressing- I suggest blue cheese vinaigrette(by marie's) or balsalmic vinaigrette. Those are the best ones with the Salad. You can put chopped pieces of chicken in it if this is your main meal. I use the bacon bits only if I am serving it with something else.
As a main dish this serves 2 people.
I know this seems so easy anybody can make this. It's really the contents that make it so yummy. I am sick of garden salads. In fact everywhere you go they serve specialty salads now. Do you ever see "garden salad"?
Hope you enjoy let me know what you think.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
"Go Away Daddy".......Oh Yes She Did
Little Gracie is starting to babble more followed by her screeching monkey noise. She gets really loud. We were in Sears today and the saleslady who was selling my husband a watch made a face. I wanted to smack her face for being so rude. It's obvious she does not have children. Dean and I think it's very funny. Gracie does it to be funny I guess. She is not unhappy it's the exact opposite. I have never seen such a happy baby.
Anyway Gracie went to bed smiling. Well you would if you just drank an 8oz. bottle. Hannah was very tired and having a major meltdown. That's why she has to have a nap everyday.
I bought the girls some new clothes. Children's place is having a huge sale. I got things for Gracie for $2.00. I also got some carter sun dresses for $5.00 each. I love a bargain.
Oh, Dean fixed my Peg Perego stroller yesterday, I am so excited. I actually used it at the mall today.
I also bought a lot of picture frames today and framed pictures from Gracie's baptism. Some are gifts for my dad for his birthday. More on my dad later.
Well anyway I am tired and I am going to bed.
Question for everybody!!!! Tell me your latest challenge from your toddler and how you are handling it. I would love to hear from you.
Friday, July 14, 2006
It's Been A Long Day
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Gracie passed out from playing
Well I was doing the dishes I came into the family room and this is what I found. A sweet little Gracie fast asleep. Passed out from all her monkey screaming. So I changed her and put her in her crib. Night night Gracie I'll see you in the morning.
In other news this evening. Hannah got new shampoo and bubble bath. So she made sure she was extra messy so she could have a tubbie(bath). She was so excited that she didn't cry when I washed her hair. Thank You Suave Kids for making a toddler happy about the bath. She too is passed out from having a bubblie time in the tubbie.
I made a delicious meal tonight. I can't believe I cooked!!!!!! Torteleni in sausage garlic and onion tomato sauce and my famous salad. This salad is so famous that when I make it the salad is gone-no leftovers. It was a good dinner.Patting myself on the back.
Anyway that is it!! Good night
She Learned That From Me
So before she fell asleep she was in trying to wake up Gracie. No way is that going to happen. I looked at her and said;"Hannah get in your bed right now". She said okay. As turned the corner she was sitting on her Pooh Bear stool. I stood there and stared at her you know the mom look. Yeah, I gave her the look. People she looked right at me and said,"what". My 2 year old said "what".
So I called my mother and told her and she said you say that to Dean all the time. So then Dean came home and you know what he said. "You do the same thing all the time". "Hannah learned that from you." People she learned that from me.
Turn The Music Down And Get A Life
Thank You for playing your music so loud that I couldn't hear the bank teller. It was very nice of you to play it so loud that the three counties away could hear your garbage that you call music.
Next time why don't you pass out music sheets so we all can sing along.
Please turn your s#@*! down to a decent level at act like a normal person
Thank You, from
The Driver in the Black Ford Explorer
Have a nice day.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Not A Exciting Post
So my plan is to go home give baths get pajamas on including me,put a movie in and call it a night.
One more thing ladies. If you don't already get the Parents Magazine get it this month. Great articles about SIDS and tubes for the ears. I thought this was the best edition that has come out. It's packed full of great info.
Hope everybody has a good day!!!!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
"Mommy R Da Tars Out"
ME: "Hannah please close your eyes it's late and you need to go to sleep"
Hannah:"mommy r da tars out tonight?"
ME: "yes, Hannah the stars are out tonight"(like I really knew)
Hannah: "mommy r dare baby tars out?"
Me: yes, Hannah there are baby stars out tonight".
(hannah wrinkles her nose and suinches her face)
Hannah: "awe arn't dey tute"
Me: (laughing) "yes, babes they are cute"." please close your eyes"
Hannah: "mommy"
Me: "yes, Hannah"
Hannah: "I la u toe much"
Me: " I love you too sweet girl"
Coaxing Hannah to go to sleep took a long time. I finnaly dropped last night at 12:00am.
Monday, July 10, 2006
All In A Days Work
So then we all went to the Grocery store.Oh,boy was that fun!!!! Gracie was in the baby bjorn and decided to throw up all over me and down her leg. I was so distraught I couldn't find my bank card. Nikki's mom paid for my groceries. I left Gracie's baby Gymbo there and didn't realize it until today. I called the store and thank God it was still there. So I called my husband he laughed at me. Gracie gets all excited about this baby. She screams like a monkey and hugs it,she loves this thing. So Dean is picking it up today.
So when I got home I had a message to call my mother. I called her and she asked if the girls and I would like to meet her and my dad for dinner. Dean was working late, so I took advantage of that and met them for dinner. Hannah just adores my parents and loves all the attention they giver her. The whole way there I heard "go see Memom and Terry". My father won't let the grandchildren call him anything except for Terry. Don't ask why it's a long story. Dinner was just delightful. Hannah was well behaved and being entertained by my father(Terry). My father drew pictures of people and Hannah would name them.Hannah had her usual chicken finger and fries. I had a seafood dish.YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!! So at the end of the meal Hannah said"Terry I want ice feam. So my father said let go find some. So we took a walk and Hannah had "frocolate ice feam". So she was hyper the whole way home. Gracie slept a lot towards the end.
It was a great day all together. I missed my husband very much. We couldn't wait for him to come home. Hannah just sat in Dean's lap most of the night.
I cleaned some of the house. Rearranged Gracie's room and vacuumed and organized made bottles cleaned the kitchen and the living room.I finally went to bed at 1:00am.Then I couldn't sleep at all. Just when I started to doze Dean would snore. I told him to lay on his side. He actually sat up and told me "I am not snoring". I said what I am making this up.He made me so mad I was ready to sleep on the couch.
So the girls woke up in a very good mood. It was a start of a beautiful day.I am almost done my work day. I can't wait to go home and cuddle with the girls. They make this parenting gig so wonderful.
Have a great rest of your Monday
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I grew up in a very traditional Catholic Church. My family and I went every Sunday to church no matter what. I was confirmed there and worked very hard in the youth group there. Even when I graduated from there I became an advisor. Then I was asked to sing in the contemporary choir. I was honored because you really had to have talent. My place was this church and that's where I went every Sunday. It's absolutely beautiful; everything about the church is traditional.
My husband and I were married there. When we had Hannah she was baptized there. My husband converted and did R.C.I.A. there.(converting to be Catholic). When we had MaryGrace she too was baptized there. We are really good friends with the priest there. In fact if MaryGrace was a boy he would have been Matthew named after Fr. Matt.We go to church there everyother Sunday. Only because it's 30 minutes away. That's really hard to leave on time with 2 small children . So we go to the Catholic church 10 minutes away. I really like this church also. See where I am going with this?
I want a church that is my home that I can call my home parish. This is very important to me. My husband usually works on Sundays so it's me and the girls. So last weekend I got myself and girls dressed to go to Mass. When got there right when church began. We had a great seat so Hannah could see. The girls were very good. Hannah knows the sign of the cross and is learning quickly the Lord's Prayer.At the end of Mass they had a reception for one of the new priests. So I was brave and took Hannah and Gracie. I met the President of the Church Council he gave me a packet to join. I really felt good there. The church is full of young mothers and fathers. It's just a young church.
I just also found out that my friend Chuck will be the pastor of this church. He and I have been friends for a long time. He has seen me through a lot of relationships and has been there for everything. He anointed me the day before I went in for major surgery in college. He has really helped me with my faith and building it.Also Hannah can go there to school next year.
So what do I do? Be a member a church that is close. Or stay where I have been going for 29 years.I need to decide now because my girls are small.
If anybody has any advice that would be great.Do not bash the church or say anything bad about priests. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all.
Thank you
Gracie Trying Her New Highchair
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Gracie got a highchair last night from her friend Henry.
I am really sick of sitting on the floor with a bouncy seat.I think that is why my back hurts so much.
I sold my one highchair 2 weeks before I found out that I was pregnant with Gracie.I am still kicking myself. My husband said as long as he dosn't have to buy one it's cool.
My Peg Perego Stroller is broken and if the part I am getting dosn't work well, I will be buying another stroller.I am really sad about that becuase it has sentimental value. Dean bought the stroller for me the day I told him I was pregnant.He went out and bought put it on hold and took me to the store to show me.He was so cute he said,"look it has a cheerio tray". I just love this stroller love love love it. So I hope it will work out.
So anyway that's my Gracie isn't she just beautiful? I just can't help but be in love with my girls.
Friday, July 07, 2006
High School
It's always the same thing I don't have my schedule and do not know where I am going.I have to stand in line and wait to get it.
The thing is I really disliked highschool. I had a couple of girlfriends and I had my boyfriend. I didn't drink or smoke or go to wild parties. I was a good teenager. I babysat fo money and did odd jobs. When I wasn't babysitting I was with my boyfriend.The rest of highschool is a blur.
At the end of my dream as I am waiting in the office for my schedule. I realize that I have kids and I am not going through 12th grade again.So I say"what are we doing here people we are adults". All the girls that actually have kids in real life stand up and leave. Then I wake up and glad that it's not real life.
The things is I have this dream at least once a month. Maybe I am having this dream because I didn't go to my 10 year reunion.
At least this dream is better than the one when your running to the bus stop with no pants on. I had that dream all the time in middle school.
Does anybody else have the same dream over and over again?
Well I am done my ramble.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Fireworks Go Boom Boom!!!!!!!!
This is Hannah having a great time at the fireworks on Saturday night.
A Mommy Moment
Then it occured to me that this parent gig is all I ever wanted since I don't know when. I was devasted in high school when I found out that I had a condition that might make it harder for me to have kids.(later on in life)I look at Hannah and Mary Grace and I can't believe that this is my life. I am so blessed to have these girls. They have made me a better person. When I am not at work I just want to be with them.
I am so excited about tommorrow, my husband will be home with me and the girls.I just just love that. Later on we are supposed to go to the playground with The Baby Human Family. Hannah just loves Ben and I think Erin is awesome. That way my husband can have some time to himself. Am I the greatest wife or what?
I will try and take pictures of the playground. It's the biggest playground ever!!
One Day..........................................
So now I don't have the energy to re-write it.
So did anybody do anything fun on the 4th?
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Where's Hannah?
.................... Well this morning she wasn't in her bed. She was sleeping on the floor in her bedroom. I laughed so hard because I don't know what she did and how she got there.
Hannah and I have a date to tonight it's just the 2 of us going to the fireworks with some friends. rumor has it that Tiernan and Bailey will be there too. She will be so excited.IF Ben came she would be the happiest girl. She would be with all her boys.*hint* Erin if your reading this; want to meet us?
Dean said he would stay home with Gracie because she might get scared.I think she will,she doesn't even like the lawn mower noise.
Everybody have a Happy 4th of July